Socialism = controllism

One reason that the term “socialism”
is growing in popularity in certain
circles might be because the term
sounds much nicer than it really is.
Being sociable is a nice thing,
and supporting a socialist sounds
too much like being sociable.

Here is a suggestion for a term to
replace socialism that better describes
what it represents: “controllism.”
What socialism/controllism is really
about is that government officials
control the means of
production, including farms,
factories, hospitals, airlines,
newspapers, publishers, theatres,
art galleries, houses of worship,
broadcasters, and all the others.

You might have warm fuzzy feelings
about controllism if you imagine that
the controllers are people that you
approve of. However, you also have
to think about how controllism would
work when it is controlled by someone
you abhor. Think about recent U.S
presidents. Almost certainly there is
at least one of them that you don’t like.
Imagine that person being in charge
of what can be published.

Probably most people that embrace
the “socialist” label today don’t
understand it really means “controllist.”
Most likely some of them advocate
policies similiar to those advocated
by European “social democrats” (which,
despite the similar words, is not the
same thing as “democratic socialism”.)
Given the actual historic record of
socialism, it seems to be in poor
taste to call oneself a “socialist”
(just as you shouldn’t call yourself
a “national socialist”).

Although correct labels are important,
a label is not an argument.
Some people that don’t like to think
things through will just attach a
label to a viewpoint (either one they
like or one they dislike) and think
that settles the issue.

–Douglas Downing
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